Some people are just doomed to be failures,while some are blessed to be winners.That's the way a person look at other person who might seem troubled. Maybe you've heard the saying, "A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high."But what you don't know is the potential that lies within each and every of us.That is why we should believe in "Don't judge the book by its cover."These beautiful words remind us not to move to judgment quickly, but rather to seek potential even in those many others have given up on.Never ever determine the worth of something or someone based on its appearance.You'll discover that there are more than meets the eye.
In my case,I've continued being judged by one Hamba Allah through my personal appearance(in pictures only),my career(probably from random presumptions),and my family status(again,from mythical presumptions) without even getting to know me.It is hurtful to know that some people still believes in their so-called perfect intuition.I'm not going to try to prove anything about myself here as I am grateful with all the perfection in life that has been blessed to me.As far as I'm concerned,I never hurt anyone directly or indirectly unless you start messing with my life.Words from the wise Lady,start putting more mirrors in your house as it will reflect yourself in angles of imperfection that you might have missed all your life,instead of highlighting others' flaws=)
HBO Max: AAPI Heritage
3 years ago