Remember those nights when you were so terrified to fall asleep coz the visions of Freddy Krueger creeping into your nightmares kept haunting you?When I was little,I love watching horror movies and A Nightmare On Elm Street was one of my favourites,apart frm Exorcist and It.Today,I realized that I'm no longer that little girl who used to love horror movies.Sweetie Pie took me for a movie date earlier just now and we watched the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street.It scared the hell out of me and I actually asked my darling "Sekarang dah pukul bape?Lambat lagi ke movie ni habis?" while covering myself with Signature's duvet!I think we were the only 2 people in that cinema who screamed our lungs out everytime Freddy Krueger came into picture.Pretty lame huh?=P
Life has been pretty exhausting lately.I've been working 5-6days in a row,up to 12hours per day.Tomorrow's gonna be a start of another line up of continuous flights.I wish I could have more Sundays like today,where I can go chillaxing with my darling Sweetheart or lovely parents at our favourite spots.God I missed my 4months break before I was promoted with a permanent position in my company....Laying around at home lazily,reading books,swiping my credit card at my favourite stores in Pavilion,endless dates with darling Sweetheart,and trips to Muar on weekends..*sighed*
Well,life sure goes on.Even darling Juares is getting tired of driving back and forth frm Setiawangsa to Kelana Jaya every single weekday to work.I guess we just don't have the rights to complain.Earning is part of a boring cycle in life.You just hafta bear with it.Without money,then how am I supposed to fulfill my urge to shop for my so-called basic human needs such as a new Anya Hindmarch bag,right??Sweetie Pie,if you're reading this,please do not roll your annoyingly lovely light brown eyes!!
HBO Max: AAPI Heritage
3 years ago