Monday, May 14, 2012

Sapek And Buna's Fairytale Ending

I had my fairytale ending last February. The wedding and princess-like white dress were all I ever dreamed of since I was a little girl. Last 5th May was my good friend, Buna's turn to have hers.

They officially tied the knot as man and wife on 21st April 2012 in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Due to prior engagements with my studies, I couldn't join the rest for a short field trip over the weekend to Kota Bharu. But I managed to make redemptions by attending wedding reception on the groom's side at Dewan PKPS, Shah Alam.

To my surprise, my parents were too, invited to Sapek and Buna's wedding reception, as both Sapek and my dad were buddies. It was a beautiful reception attended by family members and close friends. Apparently, it was also an unexpected chance for both Sweetie Pie and I to bump into our old high school friends from Sekolah Alam Shah. Mostly Sweetie Pie.

Oh, blimey! They even had real gold fishes swimming in large goblets on each table! It wasn't just that. They also had a multi talented and versatile emcee. He happened to speak, sing, dance, and berpantun ver well! He practically hogged the stage and microphone throughout the reception! And I also happened to believe that he had a slight crush on my handsome husband. Just a random female/wife intuition ;P

Ain't that sweet...
Ms Pear in her cute goofy face, enjoying her tepung pelita.
Pear and I.
With the maid of honor, Ms Bulu.
With the celebrated couple...
....and the no-longer-celebrated couple :(

To Sapek and Buna, there are no words that can describe how divine you both are, except...heavenly, celestial, supernal and all other words synonym to divine. Hope to hear 'exciting' news very soon! *Wink wink*

We could only wish to sit on that lovely dais, being congratulated like newlyweds. But it was official, we were mempelai basi. That fast, huh? :(