A young and handsome 27 year old loving husband!A little goofy as well,I must say =D
Taking place at our little home in Sri Hartamas, I managed to organize a get-together small surprise birthday party for Sweetie Pie.Invited were my parents, my brother and his soon-to-be fiance,Bella.Looking at the budget I have for this month, I couldn't plan a fancier birthday party for him, but glad he loved it.
After dinner on his birthday (which he paid for), he was surprised that there was an ice cream cake with 27 candles to be blown for him!
The cake cutting ceremony!
Right after cake cutting, of course, there was prize giving! Sweetie Pie received a brand new smart phone, HTC One X, replacing his old iPhone 4 (which by the way, accidentally 'washed' and 'spinned' in our dear washing machine just a few days before his birthday.Trust me, it was a funny story). The gift was from all 4 of them (my parent,Pasha and Bella), not including myself. Sweetie Pie totally adored the phone as it was the latest released by HTC with highest technology level that any smart phone could ever have.
We wished the phone was ours too =P
I forgot to mention that our party was attended by none other than our little furry cutie.She just couldn't stand not being part of the family gathering....
She was in a party mood too!
....and she just hafta put herself in every single picture snapped!
Polly, Pasha and Bella.
Bella, Pasha, Juares, Polly and Denna.
Polly, wanting her share of the creamy ice cream cake.
Polly and Pasha.
Good old kitty =) Overall, it was a great night of celebrating Sweetie Pie's birthday with family members who cared gathering around. It was also a night of showing our new place to Pasha and Bella for the first time. Well, my parents were frequent visitors of our place as their favourite mee rebus stall are situated just around the corner.At Plaza Damas, next to our condo to be exact.
So glad that Sweetie Pie and the rest enjoyed the cake from Baskin Robbins =)
To Sweetie Pie, enjoy being the vibrant, young, 27 year old you! Enjoy all the love and positive vibes around you from those who love you so dearly. Muahhhss!!