Last Friday I was a little kid again.Okay,'little kid' was a bit too much...lets just say a teenager.
Nothing was planned but little coincidences occurred at the last minute.Hence,a superb evening with my favourite girls at
Zam Zam Restaurant for
buka puasa.
My day started with a trip to
Seremban with bestie,
Pear Na Na,to donate some unwanted
Raya outfits for unfortunate orphans around
Negeri Sembilan.I have a bundle of them to give away,so I had no 2nd thoughts on driving all the way to Seremban to drop them off to a committee in charge of the charity drive.But before we could even leave KL,our car was stopped by police officers on a road block.Boy,was I freaked out when asked to pull over to the side!I hadn't been held by police officers for at least 3-4years now.And the last wasn't even a pull-over scene.It was because I carelessly hit the back of a police's
Wira patrol car at a traffic light!Brutal huh? =P
Anyway,after pulling over,a young officer came to execute his usual routine: putting on straight merciless face and ask for the driver's license.I wasn't held for speeding,but for a crooked plate number at the forward area.When he asked
"Miss,do u realized that your plate number is crooked?I could hardly read it",I tried to make that innocent clueless face and deny the horrible truth but instead,I looked f***ing guilty.I apologized and said that it was something recent (which was definitely not),and just couldn't get the time to fix the plate.The officer glanced at the back seat of my car and saw piles of unfolded Raya outfits stashed on it when he asked
"Where are you girls going?Raya shopping?".I wanted to just say,
"We are going to Seremban",but somehow,
"We're heading to Seremban.And the clothes are for needy orphans" that came out.There goes my bonus points of
pahala for bragging on a good deed =( But at least the officer was touched and released us promptly.
Mission was accomplished in Seremban.I hope the outfits will go to the right hands that will appreciate them.
Next,all I wanted to do was heading home before I hafta suffer a traumatic stress for getting stucked into a horrible traffic jam.But after a few phone calls and complications arised,I ended up being invited to an iftar with my favourite girls at Zam Zam Restaurant,S.Alam,without knowing there was also a hidden agenda behind the selection of venue for our
buka puasa.
We met up at Zam Zam Restaurant just right before Maghrib and the it was packed.There were presence of boys in our little gathering,and 1 in particular (who was turning up at approx. 8.30pm) was the main reason why we,not so much of Middle-Eastern food lovers,just hafta break our fast there.Besides iftar,it happened to be a set up for 2 single and eligible souls to meet.Sweet eh?
Well,1 of our dear single girl friends,who also happens to be adorable,kind-hearted and a great sense of humor,has always had her eyes on this single male friend of ours (not mine though),who happens to be humble,good-looking and very stable.Both of these single souls were never in any sort of relationship before.When I knew bout the setup,I just couldn't help myself from getting all excited as it has been dozens of years back when I last involved in a match-making situation.Back then when we've just graduated from
TKC,social life outside of school compounds was a lil bit fuzzy for us.We met boys through chat rooms and the friendship we created with 1 would lead to friendships with others.So those who were lucky enough to find a boy to jump into a relationship with would help fix other girls with her boyfriends' other friends.That was just how things worked.
Now that we've all grown up,a match-making event like we were all involved in was considered rare.So after we've had our incredibly big-potioned feast,all we had to do was wait for
Mr Eligible Bachelor to turn up.It was a long anticipating wait,and most of us have been humorously making fun of his grand appearance.On the other hand,
Ms Eligible Bachelorette didn't find them funny at all.She was all nervous wondering how this so-called perfect guy would turn out to be.Although Mr Eligible Bachelor has great reviews from mutual friends around,Ms Eligible Bachelorette found them all to be too good to be to true and couldn't wait to find it out herself.
The match-making committee.
Mr Eligible Bachelor's shadows was still nowhere to be seen by 8.30pm,so we've drawn the line at 9pm.We wouldn't wait any much longer after the clock striked at 9,but just right before 9pm,there he was,a tall dark and handsome young man came into picture.Trust me,it wasn't only Ms Eligible Bachelorette whom had butterflies in her little stomach,all of us did.Once Mr Eligible Bachelor approached our table and said HI to everyone,most of the girls including myself gave that approving nod to Ms Eligible Bachelorette.That nod also meant "He's definitely a catch and go get him,Tiger!".
Mr Eligible Bachelor was nervous himself.He hardly glanced at our sight and threw himself into deep conversations with the other boys at the table.After a few awkward moments of sengih2 and telepathic mind reading glances exchange among the girls,we decided to play a game called Vampire.
The Vampire masterminds.
I thought I've played this Vampire game when I was little,but then I figured it wasn't called Vampire,it was Jack the Ripper.Similar to Jack's,those who picked that piece of paper with the writing 'Vampire' on it has to kill others without knowing the roles that others picked.While Jack the Ripper has to kill his preys with a wink of an eye,Vampire has to choose his/her victims when others were closing their eyes.But beware of the Priest!A vampire wasn't supposed to kill a priest who blessed him/herself,or the other person he/she blessed.
Pick that lucky piece of paper.
1 thing I learnt bout playing these kinda games was that you need to put on that poker face.I obviously didn't have one but Pear sure did.On the other side,Buna was all bout telling the truth even when she wasn't supposed to,and Ayna was about telling others her chosen role in an obvious way when she was supposed to shut the hell up.And lastly,Ichik had been tacking teams with her hubby sitting next to her throughout the game.

That particular Friday night,I had a blast doing all the things I used to be doing back in the early years.It was like no years had passed by when we gathered there match-making other people and playing hard on silly games like Vampire.Wish I could do this more often with the girls,but too bad our schedules are way too different.Ichik and her married life,Buna with her new Tutti Frutti outlet to be opened in Seremban,Ayna and her lecturing life at UiTM,Pear juggling both her family's business and her studies,while I have the whole lot of skies to conquer.I guess there are consequences that we all hafta bear with when living our separate grown up lives.
That's about it for tonight.Hope you folks will cherish the last bit of moments of Ramadhan.Only a week left to go before all of us can start chicken-dancing and scream "Balik kampung!!!" =)