The Padma-Asana. Lotus posture in yoga.
With the hectic and stressful lifestyle we are caught up in, it is for us to be brought down with very low self esteem. The tendency of practicing bad beauty habits is high too. All you need are Zen beauty philosophies to remind you that it's about inner beauty just as much as what (products) you apply on your face.
Here are some uplifting beauty advices to look up to for a quick pick-me-up when feeling blue :
(1). GIVE PRAISE - Whether you agree or disagree, everyone views beauty in their own way. Give others compliments as they might lift their spirits more than you know.
(2). LOVE YOURSELF - It's easy to be hard on yourself about physical looks, but remind yourself that outer beauty is a product of what's inside. Love yourself just as much as you need to love others. After all, a beautiful soul generates a beautiful body.
(3). BE FEARLESS - Overcome any obstacles and chase your dream!
(4). CELEBRATE IMPERFECTIONS - All those 'beauty is about symmetry' craps are foolish and nonsense! Perfect beauty doesn't exist. Therefore, celebrate those unique facial features that you have.
(5). EXPLORE YOUR CREATIVITY - Let your creativity shine by picking up those brushes and stroke on a living canvas (you!). Creating a beautiful you is art ;)
I hope you find those advices I've compiled together useful and thoughtful. Who knows you might just need them on one rainy day. Heading to my Hatha yoga class now, so signing out!
Take care, Beauties!