Anyway,there are no words to describe of how awesome the past 2 weeks have been.Every minute of hanging out with the Enfiniti Academy talents,outsiders,and fellow crew members who were directly involved in the flash mob had been so wonderful that they were almost unforgettable.
Here are some pictures taken from rehearsals at Enfiniti Academy,MAS Academy and KLIA's arrival hall :
Our last day of rehearsal at Enfiniti Academy.We are definitely gonna miss that studio!
1st day of rehearsal at MAS Academy.Well,it was more of 'fun & mingle' session than serious rehearsal,coz the heat of the event wasn't felt,just yet =D
2nd day of rehearsal at MAS Academy,and we decided to coordinate with pink color!
Midnight rehearsal at KLIA's International Arrival Hal.And yeah,Sweeti Pie was present too!
Midnight full dress rehearsal at KLIA's International Arrival Hall.I have no clue how did I agree to idea of painting my lips red that night.Gotta blame Pipi and Autumn for the influence.
Pictures and a footage of the event that was held earlier will be posted on the next blog post.So stay tuned,lovely readers! =)