Tuesday night,an off day night after long hours of flying for the past few days.
It is a pleasure being home,doing absolutely nothing but my Macbook on the lap,and comfortably cozy in my jammies.If I have a sister,I would have organized a pillow talk session or a mini slumber party in the room,doing each other's nails or talk about boys.Too bad the only sibling I have is a football watching,Playstation worshiping,and anime loving younger brother,who's peuw peuw-ing on the jerky controller in front of the big flat screen.
Fortunately,I have YOU,adorable readers,to talk and share girly informations with tonight!Well,technically.And totally one sided,I must say =P
So,pretty ladies!Put on those jammies and join me on my royal bed..
Excuse the clarity.It was taken via Macbook's webcam.
Since the early of my existence til now,I've always dreamed of having doll-like features and complexion.As I looked at my Barbie dolls,I wished that I would grow up looking like them; big eyes,full lips,lustrous hair,lanky figures,long toned legs and flawless porcelain complexion.I mean who doesn't?Apparently,my wish never came true,but Alhamdulillah.At least I grew up looking decent enough to capture a dreamy Ken's heart (that's you Sweetie Pie ;D)!
Anyway,we are who we are,no matter how we look like.We are blessed with unique features of our own for reasons we won't know,or eventually will know.We shall not change any tiny bit of them,but of course,we can always enhance the beauty or overcome the flaws naturally,into getting them to look absolutely stunning.Enhancing and improving the 'canvas' are indirect ways of showing gratitude to our Mighty Creator for what we have now.
Recently,I've just discovered the true beauty of cleansing.I've always considered cleansing as the most vital part in our beauty regime,so did toning and moisturizing.But have you ever wondered how the results of a clean,beautiful,fresh,zit-less skin like shown on TV commercials or as promised on the label of cleansing products can be achieved?Well,after 11 years of cleansing my face with various cleansers,I finally got it.A desired result,which varies (less oily/no acnes/more moisture),can be achieved by soaking your face skin wet with warm water.Before,while,and after cleansing your face skin.
I've been suffering skin congestion,practically with teeny weeny oil seeds and zits,all my life.They would be gone after a session of facial treatment and would make their grand comeback a month after that.They were too stubborn to leave my face skin alone!I could always make monthly visits to the beauty salon to get rid of them,but at the same time,I would create 1001 reasons to avoid the visits.I'm a major bum when it comes to hair and beauty salon visits,and I'm very sure most of you are already aware of that =P
So,my miracle two-word solution was warm water.All this while,I've never considered on cleansing my face with warm water to complement the facial cleanser until this particular article in a magazine suggested that we steamed our faces before lathering the skin with cleanser.And the skin were to be steamed again before the toning and moisturizing process began.Of course steaming would consume so much of our precious little time in the morning and evening,so I took the initiative to substitute steaming with soaking my face wet in warm water up to 10 times (until the skin felt dewy) before and after cleansing.
I've skipped toning the face skin for almost 5 years now and replaced it with serum application instead.Well,it wasn't an original idea of a beauty regime,I totally copied Jessica Alba's secret to beautiful skin which mentioned the skipping of toning process =P So right after rinsing the cleanser off with luke warm water (until the skin were dewy),it was advised to put on your beauty products (not makeup!) immediately on your skin as everything could easily be absorbed into the skin.
Just follow the steps above,and I can promise you that you'll achieve the desired result better than before.As easy as that eh?
Well,it is really up to the individual to create their own method of skin caring,but as long as you open up the pores before cleansing and close them back after (at least before putting on makeup),you're good to go.Proper cleansing,toning and moisturizing will also help your makeup to stay beautifully longer.Since I've managed to overcome the impurity problems on my facial skin with the right method of cleansing,the only flaw left to fix would be the fine lines and dark circles under my BIG GUNDU EYES.Oh just don't ask me what 'gundu' means and how to erase those nasty fine lines and dark circles.I don't have a freakin' slight idea!
Until the next beauty secret to be shared,good night lovely readers! =)