Fortunately,2011's 11th November fell perfectly on a glorious Friday.All to-be-married couples around the world grabbed hold of the date,wanting to make it special for themselves.Including my younger close cousin,Angah.
Angah's nikah ceremony took place at Rumah Limas Yayasan Warisan Johor in Johor Bahru.She was married to a football superstar of Johor FC team,Khairi,who's also known as Burut.As busy as I was,I managed to make a return trip to JB on that particular date to witness the merriment.
Tragic enough,everyone was on time for the ceremony except....for the celebrated bride herself.
The couple had decided to tie the knot after Isya' conducted by a well known veteran Imam,who was also committing himself to conduct 2 more akad nikah ceremony right after Angah & Burut's,so the Imam was present right on time at the venue.Burut arrived shortly after,but there was absolutely no sign of the bride.According to her sisters,the makeup artist came so late that he started dolling up the bride only during Maghrib.Can you imagine the hassle and rush?
By 8.30pm,the bride was still out of sight.We,ladies,have started to panic with sweat on our foreheads.The bride's family members kept calling her mobile but she kept saying she was on the way.The Imam couldn't wait any longer so he started the ritual without her.
Tok Imam was browsing through the legal documents,in an attempt to stall the ceremony while the bride was on the way there.
Just right before akad,the beautiful bride finally showed up.It was obvious that her hands were shaky,feeling extremely nervous.
Alhamdulillah,with only 1 attempt of lafaz from the groom,they were officially man and wife.It was a touching moment for me to see my younger cousin,who used to play lubang tikus and lompat getah with me when we were younger,had finally moved on to another phase of her life.
From the look on her face,we could tell that she was obviously very happy to be married to her soul mate.
Couldn't be happier for both of them =)
From the top (clockwise) : Burut,Ayah Long (father of bride),granny,Angah,myself,Balqis (younger sister of bride),Ika (youngest sister of bride),and Kak Huda (eldest sister of bride).
Well,the theme for Angah's nikah ceremony was Arabic so all guests were encouraged to wear kaftans or jubahs.I managed to find a kaftan for myself just a few days before the ceremony as I'm hardly a fan of either kaftans or jubahs.But it seemed to be unfair that neither of the gentlemen were found to be wearing jubahs including the groom himself.I guess themes were meant for the ladies to obey to,but not gentlemen =P
Anyway,after wishing the lovely couple the best of luck in their marriage and bid farewell,Sweetie Pie and I made our way back to KL and had to resist the temptation of attending the couple's dinner reception the next day,due to work commitments.But I was glad with the fact that I managed to witness the couple's memorable sacred moment of officially committing themselves to being man and wife.It was priceless.
Before I go,again,I would like to wish Angah and Burut 'Selamat Pengantin Baru' and make me an aunt a.s.a.p.!Hehe =D
Goodnight folks.