Sweetie Pie was finally back from the Orient!As well as Ayah who had been gone to Brazil for the past 2 weeks.How exciting =)
During the weekends,Sweetie Pie straight away proceeded to his old fiance duties that he'd been neglecting for almost a month now.Since I was occupied during the weekends,tied up to rehearsals for Cabin Crew Night,the best he could do was sending and picking me up at the studio situated at Taman Sri Rampai.Breakfast before rehearsals and dinner before sending me off.It wasn't much but I realized now that having him around was wayyyyy better than not getting to see him at all.I've always been the one flying out of the country,leaving him behind for duty,so it felt weird to finally walk in his shoes.He's leaving again soon,but I hope I'll get the hang of it...pronto!
As for rehearsals,we've finally managed to cope with 80% of the show progress.Only 20% left to be unveiled.Although the rehearsals drained all of my energy with only muscle aches to bear with,I enjoyed pretty much all of them coz there were so much laughter and fun filling the studio.We're taking a break of 2 weeks before the next coming rehearsals,so that leaves me dancing and rehearsing in the shower just to make sure I don't forget my steps =D
I'm leaving you folks with pictures from the most recent rehearsals.The weekends are over,so Happy Monday everyone!